As an auctioneer for JingJings I meet a lot of breeders every auction and also hear their statements ... as well as I can read the group chat ;=)
In the last time I heard a lot I just do not really agree with and I thought it would be time to write about what I do think about the JingJings and their breeding system. Maybe - when you read that - you get another view about some points too ;=)
I have been breeding breedables for something about 3 years now, have done a lot of different breedables and was beta tester for some too. But for me - at this moment - the JingJings are really one of the best breedables that have ever been on the grid.
They are "easy to handle". You birth them, they go to the home and you can sit next to them and watch them - which is always like a "Zhen Meditation for SL Avies" ;=) No need to pet them, no need for an autopetter, but if you WANT to you can hold them. Nice. Also they are not really expensive to feed too. When I did the maths right it is something about 5,5LS per day per Jing. Comparing to other breedables this is really "cheap".
Yes we did and do and also will have problems with them from time to time. But this is totally normal. So far I never did a breedable I had no problems with - I had that with every breedable - such things happen. Also you need to keep in mind that SL can indeed cause a lot of problems too - we all know that very well. LL does some changes too here and then without telling anybody so creators have to deal with that too. Once a creator of a breedable, a really technical accomplished man who works as system administrator in RL, said about LL and breedables:"It is really really hard to code against the madness LL is doing" *giggles ... so I think we always should keep in mind that problems are nothing creators do cause or it is because they are "lazy" or whatever ... it just can happen!
But I also have to say that when I have a problem with the Jings .... and I had A LOT so far ... the support always was fantastic. The support staff is working really hard (sometimes I doubt they ever do sleep) and I always got a fast respond on my tickets - never waited for an response longer than 12 hours. Comparing this to other breedables I again have to say - never had such a fast support. And they always tried to fix the problem as soon as possible .... if it took them a bit longer they always let me know too so I do not only have the feeling but I KNOW FOR SURE - they are really working hard on it.
AND you have to keep in mind - nobody is the only person with problems. I do not know how many tickets they have to take care of each day but I BET - not less. And also you never should forget - they have a RL too they NEED to take care of too! ;=)
Knowing this all it sometimes is a kind of wonder how fast and good the support is working and how hard they work on all the problems.
Another big thing are the traits of the Jings. Some ppl do complain that it is too hard to get traits on the Jings. And yes I totally can understand that if you buy a Jing with good traits for a lot of money you WANT and even EXPECT to get something good out of it again so you make your money back and even some profit.
BUT ... well let´s talk about traits then. I again think that the breeding system of the Jings works very well. Yes, it is not THAT easy to get traits on a naked jing. Yes, they do not pass their traits or all of their traits on every singly egg.
But imagine they would! What would happen? Very soon the market would be overflow and rare traits would not been rare anymore. We would have a loss in value on every single Jing very fast.
So the fact that the traits do not pass that easy - or that you really have to work to get the traits you want - keeps the market going. We all want to sell our Jings, don´t we? Well that way we do!
Okay and we also buy Jings and of course want to see the traits we bought passing. Well they DO pass! But YOU have to do some work for that too. What I found out is that you just have to find the right mate. Some couples will just not pass the traits ... try it for two or three times, if it does not work - change the partners. I swear that works - it works for me and this since the beta!
Also if you do have a let´s say 4 or 5 traited Jing and you pair it with a naked or a 2 traited one ... you can not complain when you get low traited or naked Jings out of that. But come on - how should that work? You really expect that your loaded Jing passes all its trait on a naked one every single time? *Coughs .... is this your first breedable you are doing? *Cough cough ....
Also you need to find the same traits to breed to get more of those traits or even new ones. For example hair trait - you need to put two Jings with hair trait together - they do not need to have the same hair trait, just both have to have a hair trait - and you WILL get more Jings with hair trait out of it. Sure - if you put a rare
trait together with a "common" trait the rare one will not show up that much as the common one will ... but hey - this is why this trait is RARE!
So I really like the breeding system of the Jings. Cause they are what breeding means to me - they DO HAVE a GOOD WORKING breeding system and WE - the breeders - have to do some work and have to "get behind it" to get what we want ... but for me it really works good. And it works in a way I really have fun breeding them.
This all is my very personal opinion about the Jings. But doing a breedable is not only - I buy something and put it out and it does exactly what I want ... nope, that´s not breeding. Breeding means the breeder has to work with their breedables, to discover and to find out ... otherwise it would be boring very fast and also the market will be down very fast - I had that on a lot of breedables already and I am glad that the Jings are different!
I would LOVE to hear YOUR opinion too - either you write a comment here or contact me inworld ... also I am willing to do something like a "roundtable discussion" when ppl are interested in that ... just let me know!
Hope this post did help you in a way and - HAPPY JINGJING BREEDING ;=)